I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

That's me everyday. I always argue with my boyfriend about that, I wish he would just understand.
Vreau sa fiu cu tine in fiecare moment dintre secunde 

" Nu am mai avut de mult o depresie si e wow. "

you're simply the best

Sunday, September 28, 2014

“If anyone out there has a mother, and she’s not perfect, please call her and say you love her anyway.”

                              - Robert Downey Jr

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

" 1. Life will be full of disappointments.

No matter what age you are.

2. And moments of pure bliss.

The moments where your face will hurt from smiling so much.

3. You will fall in love, and it will be terrifying.

But it will also be exciting and wonderful.

4. You’ll fall out of love.

Or someone will fall out of love with you.

5. You’ll date someone who doesn’t treat you like they should.

And it will take you longer than it should for you to realize you deserve better.

6. And you may not love the person that loves you.

No matter how hard you try.

7. You’ll spend most of your twenties trying to figure out who you are.

And maybe even your thirties or forties...

8. You’ll lose your way.

And it might take you a while to find your way back.

9. You’ll experience a broken heart, and it will hurt more than you could ever imagine.

But one day, you WILL be able to move on.

10. You’ll have to work really hard to love yourself.

And it will be something you have to work on for the rest of your life.

11. It may take a while, but you’ll learn that this body is the only one you get.

So you have to take care of it.

12. And others won’t always recognize your greatness.

It's one of life's greatest shocks to enter the real world and realize that you're one of millions. Which is all the more reason why you have to recognize the greatness within you, first.

13. Bad things will happen, and you won’t be given a reason for them.

No matter how many times you ask.

14. People will dislike you…for no reason at all.

And you will have to learn to accept that.

15. You’ll learn who your true friends are, and it will be incredibly painful at times.

But also necessary.

16. And people you once considered your best friends will become strangers to you.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

17. You will make mistakes.

And never stop making them.

18. You will have regrets.

No matter how hard you try to live a life without them.

19. Sometimes, you’ll feel like giving up.

And you shouldn't.

20. And sometimes, you will admit defeat, and that’s OK.

Have a drink, and don't be so hard on yourself.

21. You’ll go through ups and downs with your parents and realize how incredible they are much later than you should.
And you'll make every second with them count.

22. People will break your trust.

More than once.

23. Standing on your own two feet — once you’re finally able to — will be a reward you would have never even imagined when you were younger.

Relish it.

24. You’ll realize that every second you waste wishing you were someone else is a second you waste being the extraordinary person that you already are.

And who you are is perfect.

25. The world will try to harden you, and you have to allow your smile to change the world.

Instead of allowing the world to change your smile.

- Because as tough as life can be, it’s yours, and it’s the only one you get.

So you have to make the best of it. "

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The most beautiful thing is seing someone dedicating his life to you. You do this for me, I love you forever for that. For showing me what love is and for loving me much more than any other boy could love a girl, for never leaving me walk away or give up, for teaching me how to love and cherish what I have and what's mine, for saying me that I'm beautiful 100 times a day, for making me open up to you, for thinking what I'm doing all the time, for thinking if I'm ok, if I love you or if the sex is good. You're the one that looks at me the way Gatsby looked at Daisy, just like I've always wanted. You're the best love, you're my love, you're the one. You're my other half; God must love me very much, because he brought you in my way and now I'm complete 
Always yours, always mine

" Eu nu vreau sa mor pentru o femeie, vreau sa mor langa o femeie. "

                             - The expendables

Monday, September 22, 2014

* alcool, tigari, sex si discutii apropiate
plus timp de hugs si poze *

" "Too young to know about forever" but I say they don't know what they're talking about. 'Cause this love is only getting stronger so I don't wanna wait any longer, I just wanna tell the world that you're mine. 
They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the "I love you's" but I bet you if they only knew, they will just be jealous of us. They don't know about the up all nights, they don't know I've waited all my life just to find a love that feels this right.
One touch and I was a believer, everyday it gets a little sweeter, it's getting better and it keeps getting better all the time.
They don't know how special you are, they don't know what you've done to my heart, they can say anything they want, 'cause they don't know about us.
They don't know what we do best, that's between ME and YOU, our little secret. 
But I wanna tell everyone that your mine. "

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

00.00, 15 septembrie

You hurt me so bad but it's like with every piece that's breaking inside of me, I love you more. 
Scriu ceva frumos despre tine, apoi ma superi si incep sa plang, sa ma enervez si sa nu mai vorbesc cu tine. Incerc sa te indepartez, sa ridic inapoi zidul ce era mai demult intre noi; insa apoi ma suni, eu iti raspund in final, nu pot sa-ti rezist. Esti cel mai rau om si cel mai perfect iubit; mai ciudat e ca nu as schimba nimic la tine. Esti perfect pentru mine. Iti multumesc pentru ca nu ma lasi sa te indepartez si pentru ca esti tu.

" In legatura cu sarutul de noapte buna, daca vrei sa ma saruti o sa vii la geamul tau de la bucatarie. "

I can't wait for tomorrow, to see your face.
Simt ca ar trebui sa scriu ceva, insa nu-mi mai gasesc cuvintele. Maine incepe liceul. Maine e un nou inceput. Nu stiu ce inseamna asta, imi amintesc cat de mult a contat acel "inceput" anul trecut.
Sper sa reusesc sa devin o persoana mai buna, sa fiu the kind of person that I would like to meet, sa nu mai dezamagesc pe nimeni; mai ales pe mine. Sper sa realizez intr-o zi care imi sunt prietenii adevarati, sa realizez ca iubirea adevarata exista si te lasa sa te eliberezi si sa iubesti din tot sufetul, fara frica dezamagirii. Nu vreau sa fiu iar in razboi cu mine insumi, nu vreau sa mai fiu trista. Nu am avut o vara deloc ok, dar a fost cu tine si asta a facut-o sa fie perfecta in felul ei. Am gasit linistea si echilibrul de care aveam nevoie, datorita tie. O sa-mi fie dor sa adorm langa tine, sa ma trezesc langa tine dimineata sau mai bine zis sa ma trezesti tu pentru ca eu mereu dorm prea mult; o sa-mi fie dor de tot, dar stiu ca e imposibil sa nu avem alte amintiri si mai frumoase de acum incolo, orice cu tine e frumos.
E mai urat afara, e mai frig, totul in jur capata o stare mohorata si trista, o sa fie stresant si greu, o sa fiu irascibila, o sa fiu confuza, o sa fac greseli; insa nu uita, te rog, ca te iubesc mai mult decat orice. You're my world, mi-ai demonstrat asta toata vara, mi-ai demonstrat ca esti singura persoana care o sa ramana langa mine atunci cand imi e cel mai rau.

Cea mai frumoasa vara din viata mea cu tine, cea mai frumoasa saptamana la mare, cea mai frumoasa saptamana la mine, cele mai frumoase nopti si cele mai superbe dimineti, cele mai sexy si mai dragute gesturi, nu o sa uit niciodata toate gesturile mici si dragute pe care le-ai facut si continui sa le faci pentru mine de cand suntem impreuna. Iubesc sa fii gelos si sa vrei sa fiu doar a ta, iubesc sa ma faci sa zambesc chiar si atunci cand sunt suparata pe tine, iubesc tot cu tine si iubesc si vara asta care a trecut, pentru ca toate amintirile din ea sunt cu tine.

Grecia, locul nostru, cadouri, ziua mea, lesinat, lacrimi, tipete, palma, cluburi, promisiuni, examen, mare, sex, munte, varteju, sex, sex, sex, mutat, buda, dureri, filme, nopti-dimineti si zile superbe, certuri mari-foarte mari, muzica, weed, tigari-prea multe tigari, prea putina bautura, shopping, prea putini prieteni-prea putine momente dragute cu ei, dezamagiri, animalute de plus, poze si in final extrem de muuuuulta iubire.

A da si hei, a fost prima mea vara cu tine, cred ca iti imaginezi cat de mult am asteptat eu asta, mai ales dupa ce ai citit tot ce am scris in celelalte veri; dar cel mai frumos acum e ca nu mai stiu exact fiecare data cand s-a intamplat fiecare lucru, pentru ca esti iubitul meu si s-au intamplat mult prea multe.

Thank you for everything, for loving me and please, love me extra everyday  🐷❤️🐯

13 septembrie

" Let's make a deal. "

" Vrem sa fim intelesi fara sa explicam. " 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

“People always say that it hurts at night
 and apparently screaming into your pillow at 3am
 is the romantic equivalent of being heartbroken.
But sometimes 
it’s 9am on a tuesday morning
 and you’re standing at the kitchen bench waiting for the toast to pop up. And the smell of dusty sunlight and earl gray tea makes you miss him so much 
you don’t know what to do with your hands.”

" And there you are on your knees,
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry
Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale,
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well. "

Pls , marry me :) will ya? "

" Heii can't wait to tell our kids that we are highschool sweethearts. "
" Our journey right? Our univers right? "
" Always yours, always mine. "
"... sa ne culcam si trezim impreuna in acelasi patut sau baie sau plaja sau oriceee dar impreuna "
" Iubirea vietii mele, chiar esti my other half "

Monday, September 8, 2014

Do you believe that I love you? If you do, it doesn't matter where I am or who I talk to, I'm with you.
Trust is a choice. You know, everyday, we're going to roll out of bed and send each other into the world just trusting that we have each other's backs. And we will slip up and we will be scared, but I choose to trust and to love you through everything.

" I can't stand not talking to you even thought I'm mad at you, 'cause you're still my best friend. "


They're always with some guy; if she's special, you just have to make sure that guy is you. "

Vreau sa ma trezesc cu tine dimineata in casa noastra, in patul nostru. Vreau sa ne plimbam pe strada unul alaturi de celalalt, ca toata lumea sa stie ca tu esti al meu si eu sunt a ta. Nu vreau sa-mi mai fie frica...

" Ai experimentat vreodata ceva atat de profund si de minunat incat atunci cand ti-a fost luat viata ti s-a parut de nesuportat?
Cred ca, atunci cand iubesti pe cineva si acea persoana te iubeste la fel, devii destul de vulnerabil. Va avea puterea sa te raneasca precum nimeni altcineva. "
" Her on my bed, wide green eyes staring down at me. The enduring mystery of her sly, almost smirking, smile. Five layers between us.. "

Sunday, September 7, 2014

At least I've got my one true love, although I don't have my friends anymore.
" Vreau sa stie toata lumea ca sunt impreuna cu cea mai bipolara persoana, ca ea e doar a mea iar eu sunt doar al ei si ca suntem doar noi doi. "

Friday, September 5, 2014

" Don't you get it? No matter how rich or famous or succesfull I become, when it comes to you, I'm always going to be that girl who freaked you out when we met for the first time.
You were the first boy who made me feel loved and sexy and... visible. You are my first love and I want more than anything for you to be my last. "

- Glee

( ti-am spus ca mereu scriam despre tine )

* 6 months ago *

" Ma uitam la tine si parca nu imi venea sa cred ca esti langa mine; ca stam pur si simplu la o masa, intr-o cafenea si vorbim. Stiu ca nu mai am aceleasi sentimente, insa e dragut sa te am aproape si sa fie totul altfel fata de cum eram obisnuita. Uneori imi pare rau si imi doresc sa ma indragostesc iar. "

* 5 or 4 months ago *

" Nu mai exista nimic. Ce mai conteaza restul, cand tu esti aici, in fata mea si pot sa te trag aproape, sa te sarut si sa-ti spun "iubitule". Trec zilele pe langa mine si nu-mi vine sa cred ca avem aproape doua luni. Poate doua luni nu reprezinta mult in general, dar pentru noi e enorm. Nu vreau sa ma gandesc nicio clipa daca se va distruge ceva;  pentru ca, sincer, esti tot ce am vrut vreodata, iar acum, e in sfarsit real. M-ai facut sa ma indragostesc iar si te iubesc mai mult cu fiecare zi care trece. Ma uit la tine si vreau doar sa-mi plimb degetele pe pielea ta, sa-ti sarut fiecare parte a corpului; vreau sa intelegi cat de reale sunt sentimentele mele. "

* 4 months ago *

" A iesit ceva bine in viata mea. Pentru prima data a iesit asa cum vreau eu. Dupa luni intregi de confuzie, de iubire on-off, de lacrimi, de tipete, de despartiri si impacari, sunt in sfarsit fericita.
Ma uit la tine si simt cum timpul se opreste in acel moment, cand suntem noi 2; simt ca nu mai vreau sa plec de langa tine, ca nu vreau sa-ti dau drumul la mana, ca vreau sa ma imbratisezi si sa ma simt mica si inocenta; simt ca te vreau, in toate modurile posibile. 
De ce nu pot sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea ca, in final, dupa atatea chestii, esti al meu? Esti al meu, esti chiar aici si uneori e atat de ciudat de constientizat... As vrea ca toata lumea mea sa se invarta in jurul tau, insa nu pot lasa garda jos si nu ma suport pentru asta. Nu mai suport noptile nedormite, nu mai suport sa ma gandesc ca, oricand am ceva, nu pot sa apreciez acel lucru. Nu stiu sa apreciez.
Vreau sa uit totul si sa te iubesc. Sa uit de tot si toate si sa ma concentrez numai pe tine. Pentru ca te iubesc. Te iubesc mult si e prima data cand o pot spune si pot sa fiu sigura ca mi se va raspunde cu aceleasi cuvinte. "

* 2 months ago *

" Vreau sa ma trezesc cu tine dimineata, in casa noastra, in patul nostru. Vreau sa ne plimbam pe strada unul alaturi de celalalt ca toata lumea sa stie ca tu esti al meu si eu sunt a ta. Nu vreau sa-mi mai fie frica... "

* today *

Please, love me extra everyday.      🐷❤️🐯

" I know that she has got so much love in her heart that the thought of letting it out, showing her cards... it scares her to death. "
Imi vine sa plang cand ma gandesc ca maine e ultima zi din "vara" noastra, in care dormi la mine.

2 septembrie

6 luni with the loml :)
6 luni pline de fluturasi
6 luni pline de iubire
6 luni pline de lacrimi
6 luni pline de sex
6 luni pline de tine

Nu ma mai satur de tine, de noi, de povestea noastra. Nu ma satur sa fii langa mine in fiecare secunda si nu vreau sa ma satur vreodata. Nici in 6 luni, 12, 24 sau un infinit de luni.
You're heaven for me, you're the one thing I sure as paradise got right and I just want you forever honey :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

- Be with someone who gives you the same feeling of when you see your food coming at the restaurant -